Peace Classes
Activities, games and song based sessions for between one and two hours done at least weekly for a group of young people mostly in schools or any other centre or place where young people learn. Peace Classes help young people learn important insights, attitudes, knowledge and skills for their vital peace and value development via a joyfully active and participatory approach.
Peace Classes are based upon what we call “Universal Human Values” through harmonizing the both aspects of ‘peace around’ and ‘peace within’ i.e. assisting young people to cultivate and nurture practically within themselves and others simultaneously both “inner and outer peace”. The peace and values within oneself and those around and with whom they come in contact with.
It is done through a five dimensional process of learning and practising to cultivate and nurture friendship, emotions, values, being a peace maker through learning to resolve conflicts, do mediation and finally having an increasing global and positive deeper consciousness for peace and value oriented planetary citizenship.
Peace-Classes are pedagogically sound with decades of experience, research and having proven effective within a classroom but can as well be conducted out of classroom settings in any place wherever young people gather. Only condition being these be organized possibly at least weekly.
Institutions and individuals interested may agree for a minimum one-year period of program (better if for three) and for at least two class groups of young people (better if for more or all the classes of the school), thereby ensuring a better effectivity.
Peace-Classes’ interested schools, associations and individuals may contact Us through this link